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O’Callaghan Alexander Hotel

A stay in Dublin’s O’Callaghan Alexander Hotel makes a stay in Dublin just that bit special, with ‘King’ rooms colossal and well-appointed to the point of impressing almost all who lodge here. Most rooms offer great views out upon the River Liffey and wider Dublin, while en suites, speedy Internet and LCD TVs feature as standard. Mornings are always a delight, with cooked full Irish and fresh breakfast options available, while later on the Winner’s Bar serves local beers, whiskies and even cocktails for those so inclined.

The stately exterior of O'Callaghan Alexander Hotel

Fantastic conferencing and function facilities mean that businesspeople and those wishing to arrange weddings or other such get-togethers are amply provided for. The graceful, leather seated and burnished dark wood atmosphere of the hotel interior is complimented greatly by its location; many of the attractions, and the famous Temple Bar district, are but a short walk downriver. A 24 hour reception present to attend any issue, or provision advice on the locality, brings to full fruition a venue which is by all accounts excellent.

A spacious, well-decorated King bedroom in O'Callaghan Alexander Hotel

Address: O’Callaghan Alexander Hotel, 41-47 Fenian Street, Dublin 2, D02 H678, Ireland.
Phone: +353 1 607 3700
Email: info@ocallaghanhotels.com
Website: http://www.alexanderhotel.ie/